Sit close by the window…or you won't feel the breeze!

Aditya Labhe
2 min readAug 24, 2024


We always talk about how the “good old past” and the romantics around nostalgia. The young, the free, and the wild!

The title of this blog was my Facebook post from 12 years ago.

It feels like the younger self is trying to give the present self a message—quite profound. But I’m sure if we all dwell on our past or check our respective Facebook histories, it will delight us today.

How confident you were, how aware you were, how funny, how stupid you were! The emphasis here is on the “were”, but should it really be?

Ironically or surprisingly, so, the other post I made on Facebook some 11 years ago on this day was this:

And how the message stands, still today. And this is how I will put it.

The reason why we all feel proud about the freeness of our younger selves was because, although we were not “truly free” our minds were free. The minds had fewer burdens you carry today: societal, Material, philosophical, and the rest.

But one part of growing up in life is the reality of the burdens you carry, and you have to carry. This gives you less time to be free, and hence less time to truly reflect.

And this brings me to another post I shared, 11 years ago.

A timely reminder to my older self? Probably?

As I said earlier on, one can’t truly hide away or run away from what adulthood demands. But one can surely learn to balance things out. Balance your today self, with your past self. Balance your responsibilities, with a bit of play. Balance your materialism with a bit of creativity and so on.

If your younger self was all about being free, your present self, can surely be “responsibly free”. And why not?

PS: Check your “Facebook history” will you?



Aditya Labhe

Thinker | Writer | Photographer | Learner | Adboy | Idea builder | Design enthusiast